Fluidra PRO Features

To speed up the purchase of recurring products, in your private area you will find "My order lines". Here you will see all the order lines you have placed and thanks to the filters, you can search by order number, product code and date. You can select all the lines you are interested in and download them in a .csv file.

If you need to place large orders quickly, you can do it through the "Order by SKU" functionality. You have 3 ways to enter the product reference:

  • Manual: adding one by one the product reference and the units you need.
  • Multiple: adding all references followed by a comma and the number of units you need

Uploading a .csv file: where you indicate in the same column the product reference followed by a comma and the units you need. If you have doubts about this process you can download this template to upload a .csv file.

You can create a quote for a customer from the Fluidra PRO platform. In your private area, you will find "My quotes". There you will find the option "Create quote". Then you will have to fill in the customer's details and add the products using the search engine. Remember that for each product you will have to add the margin percentage and the corresponding VAT. Once you have done this, you can add other items such as installation or a discount. That's it! You can save and print your quote to send it to the customer. Once accepted, you will only have to enter it again and add it to the cart to place the order.