Quick Order

Order by SKU


1. Enter the order information in a CSV format file, in a column separated by commas: Product code and units (e.g. 01716,2) - without header.

IMPORTANT that the correct product codes are entered. **Make sure that if the code starts with "0", the complete code is saved correctly, so that the system recognizes it.

IMPORTANT to check that the format of the column is text and that the file does not include more information.

If products not available for sale are added to the file, a message will appear indicating the products that could not be added. ** Due to technical limitations, the functionality only allows orders to be entered for a maximum of 50 items.

2. Upload the file with the order, click "Choose file".

3. To add the order to the cart. Click "Add to cart". If you want to modify the uploaded file, please click "Delete" and upload the new file.

Products to add to cart